A soldier's life
In the trench, muddy and cold, my mates are dying of sickness
I want to go to sleep but I can't because my conrade said no.
Where marching away from the front line back to safety
For some rest.
Walking back to safety, most men had no shoes
and it felt like they were walking on prickles.
The men are walking like drunken men.
Most of the men can,t hear the loud booms fly past there heads.
We suddenly felt that we were walk in poisonous gas i shouted out gas mas.
One man was too tired and weak to
put on his uncomfortable gas mask
As the gas got thicker his screams got louder.
The gas is thick all I can here is my soldiers
Coughing with their inconfortable gas mas on.
Our conrad run over to me and pulled on my jersey
And struggling to breath his lifeless eyes gazed at me in pan.
I'm so disgusted by watching my conrad die in agony,
People are so lucky that don’t have
To watch there mates die in pain and pull the Wagon
with dead soldiers in it Echoes of suffering.
A dying man in a wagon is like hell.
A high pichid scream that persis your ear Drum.
soldier are falling off the wagon and blood splatters everywhere.
The gas is slowly going away I can just about see properly .
Do you think its right to die for your country?
And watch your friends die in pain and agony.
Listen to bullets fly past your head and bullets
Breaking your bones.
Lest we forget